Children Are Still Our Future


Children are still our future
Acrylics and Fabric on Canvas
24 x 30 Inches

Children are still our future. In this painting I wish to highlight Black History Month and embrace the entire range of colors that comes with being black. Some people tend to think that only dark complexion individuals are regarded as black. This is untrue. Hybrids are often misjudged for their identity and suffer a dilemma of not feeling true inclusion. 

This painting also embraces children and their importance in the world. Their need to be cared and loved and treated kindly, especially colored children who are socially or economically challenged and bear the brunt of the struggle to make ends meet. Some are struggling to cope with abuse at home and rape among other issues. 

For this Black History Month let us embrace our range of melanin and appreciate each other more. I use African fabric in my art and synthetic braids to enhance the beauty of Afro hair.  Finally I will be adding quotes submitted by friends via social media in the background. Quotes to remind us that we need to love and care for all children. if that's not enough, I will add butterflies.

Love the children!
