Gold Leaf time!

I decided to experiment with Gold leaf long before getting them online. Now that that they are here I don't have stretched canvas to make something remarkable since I started buying canvas rolls and cutting them to fit my board. If I am a traveller this is the easier way. I get them already primed so it's much easier to travel with them. It's simply a nightmare trying to remove canvases on stretchers with an ull. Is that the name for it?
I was inspired to take a break from abstract to attempt a portrait and I stumbled upon a photo of Miss World Grenada. Right away I thought of using that fading looking photograph of hers taken back in the days and spice it up with my own Klimt-inspired background. I used oils and it's not completed because it doesn't quite look like her. So I decided to put down my brush shortly after and make some drawings of my own face before getting back to her. We do pay the price for lack of constant practice. Call me vain, but I am the best subject to master before anyone else. The size is roughly 60*80cm.
