Szummer Pride Art Exhibition 2018

Last Saturday I was proud to participate in Szummer Pride at the OCT Loft in Shenzhen. As far as effort goes, I have been keeping active in the art world. The exhibition was a kick-start to the month long celebration of gay pride and culture in Shenzhen. Although I am not one of them, I do have friends who are gay and I understand their need to be heard and understood. Here are the highlights in pictures.

The night started around 8 pm while I was having a delicious dinner on the first floor. Speeches after speeches I was hoping would end since I was already tired from a short trip to Hong Kong (art related mostly).

I finally got a chance to stand by my painting. Below is a description of what it entails.

Since I was there with friends, I took some photos with them as well. The night ended with me singing a Jazz song and heading home exhausted but accomplished.

    Left & Right: Friends from Armenia.
