Winter is behind me!

I have to admit the weather in Shanghai is not fun at all. Everyone would agree with me. However we are here because there are other things that makes up for the crappy weather and pollution. That is the connections you make here, the endless places to visit and above all the art exhibitions! Yes these are important to me as an artist and creative.
Recently I have been questioning my purpose here and I have to admit it has been evidently more a struggle than smooth sailing. Struggle with establishing myself, my art, my social life, my work, every thing. There's no settling, just constant changes and constant evolution. The question 'what's next is always looming over my head besides the hands of the clock on the wall above.
To reflect my relationship with this city, I painted an abstract painting and wrote a poem straight from my heart. I do hope you enjoy it. 

Maybe its earth covered in sky rises,
so tall their peaks extend beyond the clouds.
Maybe its memories of the view outside my window panes
combined in several shades of hue.
From seasons gone and seasons be
This view etched in my mind’s eye
Reproduced through emotions and hands that reveal
The truth like the seasons:
From depression, to delight
From empathy to passion
in one bird’s eye view.

I exist there, somewhere.

Maybe it’s just my perception
Of this vast city that swallows me
City gone Grey
City gone polluted
City gone Green.

I exist there, somewhere.

From dust to dawn and back,
My eyes circle the periphery of my existence,
I consider my relationship with it all.
Somewhere in there, there’s hope
Among lost dreams
buried beneath endless sky rises.
This hope is a fiery Orange,
that which I perceive it to be.
Hope that rises from seasonal changes,
Emotional changes,
Visual changes
Hope that I perceive it to be.

Acrylics on canvas
40*50 cm
